Viewpoints: Summer 2014

Jun 20, 2014 | Viewpoints

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The Summer 2014 issue of Viewpoints highlights a promising study from the University of Saskatchewan on Caffeitine, a hybrid drug combining caffeine and nicotine, which may help prevent the misfolding of alpha-synuclein, a protein linked to Parkinson’s disease. The issue also discusses complementary and alternative treatments, advising caution and emphasizing the importance of evidence-based therapies.

Practical caregiving advice is provided, focusing on tips for traveling with loved ones who have Parkinson’s, while the Living Well section celebrates participants of The Parkinson’s Movement, who raised funds for exercise programs. Updates on the Society’s activities, a new caregiver support group in Penticton, and the upcoming 2014 Parkinson SuperWalk are also featured, along with a call for community-led fundraising efforts.