Community Care Directory

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Senior women and her granddaughter
Home / Resources & Support / Community Care Directory

Disclaimer: Participation in the programs listed in this directory will be done at your own risk. Please seek assessments/advice from an appropriate healthcare professional as needed. Parkinson Society BC (PSBC) will not be held liable for accidents or incidents that may occur as a result of your participation in these programs. By participating in these programs, you are recognizing that risk of illness and/or injury may be inherent, especially in any movement or exercise class and are participating with the express agreement of, and understanding that the program instructors, and Parkinson Society BC and its directors, officers, employees, partners, and agents are hereby released from any and all claims, costs, liabilities, expenses, or judgements associated with these Parkinson’s programs.

      Do you provide specialized services to the Parkinson’s community?

      Please reach out to discuss whether your services would be appropriate for our listings page.