
Parkinson Society British Columbia (PSBC) is committed to assisting with the education of healthcare professionals in an effort to improve care for people with Parkinson's.

The following are resources available to healthcare professionals.

Make direct referrals to staff at PSBC with PD Connect, a new formal referral program. PD Connect is a program where healthcare professionals refer patients with Parkinson's and their carepartners to PSBC for support services (such as counselling/consultations, educational workshops/events, printed resources and more).

Read more about PD Connect.

Checklist Website Banner

This checklist may help you can track patients’ symptoms over time, start conversations with patients about certain symptoms, or guide you to appropriate services for your patients. It may also help patients manage their own disease.

Download the Comprehensive Care Plan Checklist.

PSBC has a number of video and webinar recordings available from previous events. These may be of use to you in learning more about Parkinson's disease.

Access our videos & webinar recordings.

for Exercise Instructors & Healthcare Professionals

The Society aims to provide opportunities for individuals who wish to pursue a career involving Parkinson’s disease (PD) through our Continuing Education Bursary Program for Exercise Instructors & Healthcare Professionals. This bursary was established to assist people who have a passion to gain PD specific training and bring these benefits to the BC PD community.

Read more about the bursary program.

RACE, Rapid Access to Consultative Expertise, is an innovative model of shared care where primary care providers can call one phone number and choose from a selection of specialty services (Parkinson's expert) for real-time telephone advice. A RACE telephone call is routed directly to the specialist's cell phone or pager for “just in time” advice.

Family physicians can call 604-696-2131 or 1-877-696-2131.

Learn more about RACE.

PSBC aims to be an effective lobbyist for issues important to the Parkinson's community. To be successful, we need the grassroots support of our community. If you are interested in joining our provincial and/or national advocacy networks, please contact: Jean Blake, Chief Executive Officer.

Learn more about our advocacy efforts.

Other Resources
  • Canadian Guideline on Parkinson Disease, 2nd Edition [booklet]
  • Impulse Control Disorders in PD [helpsheet]
  • Medications to Treat Parkinson's Disease [booklet]
  • Mood Disturbances [helpsheet]
  • Online Learning Module on Parkinson’s [online module]
  • Physician Guide: Non-Motor Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease [booklet]
  • YOPD: Advice for Physicians [booklet]
  • Beyond the Tremor | Dr. Anish Kanungo [view slides]
  • Canadian Guideline for Parkinson Disease, 2nd Edition - Presentation | Parkinson Canada [view slides]