Valentines from the Parkinson’s Community

Feb 23, 2017 | News

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This past Valentine’s Day, Parkinson Society British Columbia (PSBC) strove to highlight the importance of love, friendship and support in the Parkinson’s community. This occured through two separate projects. The first project was #TwoLips4PD, a predominantly social media driven campaign to raise funds for vital programs and services for people with Parkinson’s disease (PD). Several members of the public visited our photobooth, located at the CF Pacific Centre Rotunda on the corner of Georgia and Howe in downtown Vancouver.

Additionally, we gathered stories from members of the Parkinson’s community about how love and support have helped them manage the disease. Below are quotes from BC residents Alana and Dean.

“When Ken and I began our romance over 20 years ago, we never considered that chronic health issues would challenge each of us, and yet strengthen our bond to a point where we would become best friends. When Ken was diagnosed with PD about 7 years ago, we were confused and scared, but not surprised. Eventually, we attended the PSBC Penticton Peers and Caregivers Support Group Meeting. Ken’s PD led me to coordinate and facilitate our group, where we could learn, discuss, and eventually lunch and socialize with great people. Our strong participants acknowledge and understand PD’s challenges; we all live positively,  despite many obstacles. Ken and I still have a very sweet, romantic relationship that we celebrate on Valentine’s Day and all year ‘round.”

–  Alana, facilitator of PSBC’s Penticton Support Group  

“I first found out I had PD on my 65th birthday, May 3rd 2013, but with my spouse and our two children around us, I realized that this disease was manageable. Having recently lived in Saudi Arabia, I had learned about letting go of controlling every aspect of my life. Faith in God and knowing that my family would love me even as my abilities diminish is a great source of comfort.”

–  Dean  has been married for 47 years to his wife Glenni; the pair will be walking to Everest Base Camp this year to fundraise for Parkinson Society British Columbia