Submit your Parkinson’s story this April Awareness Month

Feb 7, 2023 | News

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Every year, Parkinson Society British Columbia (PSBC) dedicates the month of April to raising awareness of the experiences of people with Parkinson’s disease (PD), as well as the needs of our community. This April, we are encouraging British Columbians affected by Parkinson’s to submit content that tells their story, their way.

What we’re looking for:

  • writing pieces (ie: poems, short stories)
  • artwork (ie: paintings, photography)
  • videos (see details below)
  • written interviews (see details below) 

Our video campaign

This year’s overall campaign aims to spread the message that Parkinson’s is more than a tremor, but we need your help to raise awareness and expand the public’s understanding. If you are able, please consider submitting a short 30-60 second video of yourself either demonstrating or discussing a lesser-known symptom of PD, for use on social media channels such as YouTube Shorts and TikTok. Videos should ideally be filmed in a 9:16 format (vertical). You could talk about how the symptom impacts your daily life, the obstacles you have overcome as a result, or the perception others unfamiliar with Parkinson’s have of the symptom. Please feel free to share as much or little detail as you wish.

Written interviews

If you would like to respond to a set of interview questions asking you about your experience with Parkinson’s disease, please download the appropriate fillable document below, and once completed, submit it to the form below.

Fillable PDF documents:

  1. Interview questions for a person with Parkinson’s
  2. Interview questions for a carepartner to someone with Parkinson’s
  3. Interview questions for a friend/family member of someone with Parkinson’s

Submit your content

Please ensure you have full copyright ownership of all content submitted. We will review each submission and will be in touch to discuss how we may best use your story/content in our publications.