
PDLink offers personalized peer support by phone or email, connecting you with others who truly understand the challenges of living with Parkinson’s.

Parkinson Society British Columbia (PSBC) recognizes that while we offer approximately 50 support groups across British Columbia, not everyone can access them or feels comfortable in group settings. For those looking for a more personalized connection, we offer our PDLink Program.

What is PDLink?

PDLink connects individuals affected by Parkinson’s disease with peers who have similar experiences. This program is designed to offer support and understanding from someone who truly knows what it’s like to live with Parkinson’s. Whether you’re newly diagnosed, a long-time member of the Parkinson’s community, or a caregiver, PDLink can help.

Who Can Benefit?

  • Individuals at any stage of Parkinson’s disease
  • Young Onset Parkinson’s patients
  • Those undergoing or awaiting treatments like Deep Brain Stimulation or Duodopa® therapy
  • Caregivers and care partners

Flexible Communication Options

With PDLink, you choose how and when you communicate—via phone or email. This flexibility ensures there’s no need for face-to-face meetings, making it accessible regardless of your location or mobility. The frequency and duration of contact are up to you, allowing you and your volunteer to set a pace that suits both of your needs. Participation is voluntary and can be adjusted or discontinued at any time.

Available Across BC and Yukon

No matter where you are in British Columbia or the Yukon, PDLink is available to you. 

Find Personalized Support with PDLink

Whether you’re newly diagnosed, a caregiver, or navigating treatment, PDLink connects you with peers who share similar experiences with Parkinson’s.