Don’t miss your chance to win two (2) round trip flights to any regularly scheduled WestJet destination with Parkinson Society British Columbia’s Champions for Parkinson’s Raffle!* Raffle tickets will be available until Wednesday, May 17, 2017 at 12:00pm (noon).
Ticket Prices
- 1 for $10 (available at Me-n-Ed’s Pizza Parlors locations or via Parkinson Society BC)
- 5 for $40 (available only through Parkinson Society BC)
Where to Buy Tickets:
- 1 for $10 tickets available at Me-n-Ed’s Pizza Parlor locations [view locations]
- 1 for $10 tickets & 5 for $40 available for purchase through Parkinson Society BC at 1-800-668-3330 or in-person at 890 West Pender Street, Suite 600, Vancouver, BC
*Blackout dates and restrictions do apply. No cash value.