
Travel Grant Guidelines

To maximize the benefit of the Provincial Conference Moving Forward, Together to British Columbia's Parkinson's community, Parkinson Society British Columbia (PSBC) is offering a limited number of travel grants for people with Parkinson's and family carepartners who would be unable to attend the conference without financial assistance. Consideration will be given to students and healthcare professionals looking to expand their knowledge of Parkinson's disease, however, people with Parkinson's and their carepartners will receive priority. 

The grants will be awarded with great discretion. Grant recipients are expected to pay associated expenses and submit receipts for reimbursement after the conference. Receipts must be received by December 5, 2022. 

Applications are now closed. 

Important Dates

  • EXTENDED DEADLINE: Applications due by 11:59pm PT on Friday, September 16, 2022
  • Recipients notified by Monday, September 26, 2022
  • Expenses must be received by Monday, December 5, 2022


  • A person with Parkinson's disease and/or family carepartner.
  • Travel, accommodation and/or meals for recipients who live more than 200 km from Vancouver.

Selection Criteria

  • Applicant's rationale for attending Moving Forward, Together.
  • Applicant's financial need.
  • Plan for sharing information & experience of Moving Forward, Together.
  • Interest in and involvement with Parkinson's community.
  • Special consideration given to applicants living in communities with fewer resources for people with Parkinson's & carepartners.
  • Special consideration given to applicants who reside outside of the Lower Mainland.

Decisions of the selection committee shall be final.


For people who live 200km - 499km from Vancouver

  • Maximum of $500 per person.
  • Registration fee: 100%
  • Travel: up to $300 (flights, ferry, gas). Includes travel, accommodations and/or meals for recipients who live more than 200km from Vancouver. Special consideration given to applicants who reside in remote communities, and/or who are required to travel by ferry or plane.
  • Accommodation: up to $200
  • Meals: up to $100

For people who live 500km or more from Vancouver

  • Maximum of $1000 per person.
  • Registration fee: 100%
  • Travel: up to $600 (flights, ferry, gas). Includes travel, accommodations and/or meals for recipients who live more than 500km from Vancouver. Special consideration given to applicants who reside in remote communities, and/or who are required to travel by ferry or plane.
  • Accommodation: up to $400
  • Meals: up to $150


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