Published Date: Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Parkinson Society British Columbia (PSBC) will be closed on Wednesday, November 11 for Remembrance Day.

To honour Canada's veterans this Remembrance Day, the Society would like to feature an individual who has served our country in our November issue of Good News. If you or someone you know is a veteran with a connection to Parkinson's disease, and would be interested in sharing your story to inspire others, please contact Laura Halas, Marketing & Communications Coordinator, at

In response to the global outbreak of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), Parkinson Society BC (PSBC) has taken proactive measures to manage the potential for transmission. Staff are continuing to work remotely, and our office remains closed until further notice.

Our 1-800 info & referral line and all staff are available to answer your queries. Calls will be directed to voicemail, with staff checking messages remotely, and returned on a priority basis. Please be sure to leave your name and phone number if you leave a message. For more information, please click here.

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